Key Stage 2

At Goodwyn, we have created a safe and welcoming environment where our older children come to school happy, excited and encouraged to do their best. Key Stage Two consists of four classes, one per year group. Our size means that each pupil receives individual attention, with the curriculum tailored to their needs and each child’s development closely monitored.

We aim to help our children develop into individuals who have the confidence, resilience and abilities to achieve success in all they do and according to their talents. In Key Stage Two, we continue the excellent academic and developmental practises established in the lower school, and we too introduce new learning experiences through our broad and balanced curriculum that encourages independent thinking, creativity and exploration of the wider world. Some of these new experiences include weekly drama and Latin lessons, offsite swimming and gymnastics sessions (currently paused owing to Covid restrictions) led by our experienced, specialist staff.

Music lessons form a key part of Key Stage Two and provide an opportunity to learn an instrument as well as encouraging children to compete and perform as part of the recorder ensemble, Goodwyn Choir and Orchestra. Our music cafés are well received by our parents; we hope to resume these when it is safe to do so.

Physical education provides an introduction to the major sports of football, netball, rugby, rounders, athletics and cricket, plus gymnastics and regular swimming. We offer opportunities to take part at a high level, in swimming galas and gymnastics’ competitions.

Key Stage Two pupils are also given the opportunity to attend residential and day trips to bring their learning to life, build self- confidence and encourage teamwork. They are also offered opportunities to become school council and eco committee representatives and are given responsibilities such as peer mentors and play leaders.

Year 6 are encouraged to play a greater part in school life and are awarded Prefect jobs with responsibilities that reflect their individual personalities and skills. Jobs from Head Boy and Head Girl to House Captains, Sports Captains, Charity Prefects and Welfare roles are taken on with confidence by our older children and help prepare them in their transition to the next Key Stage at Secondary School.

We are sure that with this solid foundation offered at Goodwyn, your children will leave us well equipped for the wider world.