News - Page 15 of 18 - Goodwyn School

Race for Life

On Wednesday 23rd March our children took part in Race for Life. Our junior journalist, Isabella, tells the story… “The entire school took part in Primary Schools Race for Life, to help raise money for cancer research. The idea was suggested

Key Stage One Wildlife Adventure

The children in Key Stage One have been covering topics in Science all about animals. They have been full of enthusiasm learning about different habitats, how to group animals and how we can help to protect them. They have been

Celebrating Maths Day

On Monday 14th March 2022, Goodwyn School celebrated Maths International Day. It was a day filled with maths whilst also having fun! Each class, had the opportunity to go outside and do maths related scavenger hunt. They worked collaboratively as

World Book Day

We have recently been celebrating World Book Day by becoming author illustrators. Each class in KS1 and KS2 had a visit from Mick the illustrator who taught the children the basic skills of drawing and animation. Everyone then went on

Inter House Pancake Race

Each year the Swallows and Swifts compete for the Frying Pan Trophy donated by Mrs J Nelhams. This year the weather on Shrove Tuesday was not good, and the race took place on the Thursday. There is always much excitement

Football School comes to Goodwyn

Goodwyn School were extremely lucky to have a visit from one of the authors of the Football School series, Ben Lyttleton. It was a high energy, full volume visit, where Remove and Lower Prep were taken on a whistlestop tour

Lower Remove find cave paintings

Our Lower Remove class used their creativity to design and draw their own cave paintings. Imagine the surprise when they arrived to find their classroom turned into a cave. Here’s what Charlie and Emile made of their experience. “On Monday

Election Fever Comes to Goodwyn

The general elections came to Goodwyn this year when Prep created their very own political parties.   They created materials such as posters, rosettes and bookmarks to promote their party and then they presented a political party broadcast to all of

UKG CMu2019s Art Lesson

The children had great fun creating card sculptures in Art. They twisted, cut, folded and joined card together without using glue. Look at how they got carried away making caterpillars!  

Nursery Celebrate Chinese New Year

Nursery were very lucky to have two visitors who came in to talk to us about Chinese New Year. The children learnt some fun facts and looked at some very entertaining props. The children were so excited to make their