Tri4 Goodwyn was a special event. All pupils in KS2 participated and there was a superb atmosphere as parents watched their children raise money and awareness for a charity so important to so many of us. ‘Future Dreams’ was founded by alumni of Goodwyn and has multiple connections to our community, making the event all the more special.  They raise money to help support those affected by Breast Cancer and their families.  

The triathlon took place in three separate stages; the swim section was a relay 25 minute swim at Copthall, the cycle was completed with parental supervision at home and the run event took place on Friday 16th June. Pupils came with a positive attitude and spirit despite the extremely hot conditions. They showed resiliance and courage and completed 1-3 laps of the course. They were presented with medals and refreshments by Mr Robertson. We raised over £2000 and the charity were absolutley delighted. 

Well done Goodwyn Triathletes. You made us all very proud. 

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