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UKG CMu2019s Art Lesson

The children had great fun creating card sculptures in Art. They twisted, cut, folded and joined card together without using glue. Look at how they got carried away making caterpillars!  

Nursery Celebrate Chinese New Year

Nursery were very lucky to have two visitors who came in to talk to us about Chinese New Year. The children learnt some fun facts and looked at some very entertaining props. The children were so excited to make their

Goodwyn welcomes the Romans

Remove were extremely privileged to have been lent Roman Legionary and army costumes to really make their learning on this topic come alive. They arrived on life size mannequins and proved a real addition to the classroom while learning about

Prep children learn about Anderson shelters

Prep have been busy learning all about WW2. As part of their topic, they have learned about 1940s homes and Morrison and Anderson air raid shelters.  After the air raid siren sounded, Prep set to work designing and building a

Lower Remove Mindfulness

In a bid to help pupils to be calm and mindful, the class were painting some scenes from nature such as mountains, trees or sunsets with hazy reflections in the sea or a lake or river. They experimented with different painting

Holocaust Memorial Day

On Thursday 20th January, to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, the Prep class met Hedi Argent MBE during an online meeting with many other schools across the country.  As a survivor of the Holocaust, Hedi was able to explain to Prep

Transition W learn about Greek Myths

Transition W are enjoying learning about Greek myths. They used their understanding to write from a different perspective and will soon write a newspaper report of events. Here they are in freeze frames from Theseus and the Minotaur. They love

Transition’s Visit from a Dentist

It’s not always fun visiting the dentist’s chair but Friday was quite the exception when the dentist visits you! Both Transition classes were treated to a visit from a dentist to learn all about how they can help improve their

Thank you from Copthall Swimming Pool

We were delighted to have received this lovely message from Deidre Donlevey…   “I just wanted to share with you how your kindness has helped so many children to swim at Barnet Copthall this Autumn Term 2021.   We had 3

Children In Need

We celebrated Pudsey Day on Friday 19th November, 2021. Pudsey Day is a special day to donate money to children in need. This money helps to support children with all sorts of different needs, such as disabilities or life limiting