
 MorningsAll DayUpper School


Academic Year 2024/25

To qualify for this, fees must be paid before the commencement of term.



Due by the first day of term



10 payments**

To commence 1st September 2024

We also offer a fees in advance scheme. Click here for further details

* The fees displayed are inclusive of VAT where applicable.  

**  Please note standing orders are subject to an administration charge which will be required on return of the completed standing order form.

Nursery pupils electing to stay for additional afternoons must be by arrangement.  The charges for these afternoons will be one term in arrears.  See Nursery Afternoons Application Form.

School fees must be paid at the commencement of each term. Late payment may be subject to penalties. Once your child is in the school, or has been accepted, a full term’s notice of removal, in writing, must be sent to the Principal before the first day of term or fees in lieu thereof.

Parents interested in the monthly payment scheme are asked to approach the Bursar for further information.  Standing Orders must be processed before the end of July prior to the commencement of the Autumn Term.

Please note, in the interest of security and to avoid any misunderstandings, payments made in cash must be made directly to the School Manager or Mr Robertson and not left in the office. 

All cheques should be made payable to Goodwyn School. 

The fees are normally fixed for the academic year but, in exceptional circumstances, they may have to be increased at less than a term’s notice during the school year.  Fees paid monthly and annually would not be exempt from such adjustments.