Key Stage 1 and 2
Numeracy is one of the core curriculum subjects and, as such, receives a high profile at Goodwyn School. Our approach to teaching mathematics is based on mastery to ensure a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. Our aim is for all pupils to become fluent in the recall and application of facts and concepts of Mathematics and to develop the ability to reason mathematically and solve problems. This is achieved through:
- Dedicated mathematics lessons every day
- Direct teaching and interactive oral work with the whole class and groups
- An emphasis on rapid recall and mental calculation
- Carefully crafted differentiation, with all pupils engaged in mathematics relating to a common theme.
At Goodwyn School, we aim to reach a high standard in all areas of the English Curriculum. We help our children to develop into fluent avid readers, imaginative thinkers and skilled writers. To fulfil this we provide a challenging, stimulating and up to date curriculum, differentiated to cater for the learning needs of all. Creative English is introduced through texts, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Writing skills are taught using a variety of lesson styles and culminate in a long writing task at the end of each genre. The phonics skills taught in EYFS continue in KS1 and KS2 through weekly phonics lessons combine with the teaching of formal grammar. The children have many opportunities to read in school and at home with ‘Home Readers’ from a range of reading schemes. Some focus on phonics, using decodable words for the children to read. Others focus on tricky words, which are not decodable and have to be memorised. As the children progress they read books of their choice from a wide range of genres.
Throughout the year, we plan exciting events for all year groups to help make literacy fun, including World Book Day, National Poetry Day, theatre trips and a variety of English writing and poetry competitions. Our children enjoy speaking in front of an audience with class presentations, school and class assemblies and various drama productions throughout the school year.
French is taught to children throughout their time at Goodwyn School. Younger children are introduced to the language through songs and rhymes. Children build a wide vocabulary bank as they progress through the school. They learn how to order their favourite pastries in the patisserie, to discuss the weather and describe their hobbies. This fully equips them for a holiday in France. French culture is brought to life with a trip to Lille and the Europa Centre.
Latin is introduced in Key Stage Two with the help of Minius the mouse! The course is based upon the textbooks Minimus and Minimus Secundus which give a gentle start to learning this ancient language as well as some Roman history, myths and legends. The topic is brought to life when the children make mosaics and take on roles as slaves in a market.
A short taste of German is given to children in their last year to prepare them for secondary school. The emphasis is on speaking and listening work with an introduction to colours and numbers so that they can take their first steps at mastering a new language.
Children are naturally curious and science gives them the opportunity to satisfy this curiosity to see how the world works and how it is constructed. At Goodwyn, Science is taught in a fun and practical way with lots of hands on activities and practical work which promote high levels of pupil engagement. Children have opportunities to explore and ask questions about the world around them.
History and Geography
In history lessons, children are encouraged to compare, contrast and examine how and why things have changed, to learn about historical leaders and events and to expand their research skills. In geography lessons pupils develop their knowledge of people and places to understand the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Lessons have a dynamic approach. For example, what better way to learn about leaders than to get into role and pretend to be a great leader such as Churchill? Learning how the earth is structured proves much easier when children are given the chance to build a model of it. Likewise, understanding the parts of a river is brought to life when children create a working model of a river.
Art and Design
Children are encouraged to explore a variety of media and techniques. They study a wide range of artists and designers from Pablo Picasso to Georgia O’Keeffe to inspire their own creations. In DT lessons children plan, make and evaluate using a range of tools and materials. Particular favourites include moving fairground rides and baking biscuits.
Religious Education
At Goodwyn, RE forms part of the basic curriculum. We adopt a multi-faith approach to the subject emphasising understanding and respect. Collective worship takes place daily in the form of school and key stage assemblies. Our aim is to encourage children to think of others, develop a sense of belonging and to have respect for their own and others’ cultures. We bring this alive by visiting places of worship such as churches and synagogues.
Our PSHE teaching enables children to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become responsible, confident members of the community. We aim to encourage children to take responsibility, to value themselves and others and to be independent thinkers. We encourage the children to develop a sense of community and belonging by supporting various charities through fund raising days and events throughout the year. We help to embed British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural programme.
We strive to develop the innate musical ability of every pupil at Goodwyn. Pupils follow a course based on performing, listening and composition at all levels. Music lessons are fun and lively with high expectations leading to a real love of music from our pupils. From the Nursery level children are taught through Dalcroze and Kodaly approaches which provides a high level of engagement and participation for learners.
All children are taught the recorder from Year 2 and we have an extensive range of instrumental lessons available. The choir performs in a wide variety of national concerts and competitions and has made a recording of its songs.
Physical Education (PE) and Games
We believe that PE is an important subject. Creating a positive attitude to PE promotes collaborative learning and a healthy lifestyle, which will continue into adulthood, irrespective of ability.
Nursery, Reception and Year 1 develop motor skills, spatial awareness and coordination resulting in a firm foundation of basic skills. As children move up the school, outdoor games (football in the winter and rounders, kwik cricket and athletics in the summer term) are introduced.
From Key Stage 2 the children swim weekly, with the main emphasis on technique development. Pupils participate in tag rugby, hockey, cross country, athletics, netball, basketball, badminton, tennis, football, rounders and cricket.
The children can achieve awards in various sports and represent the school at local, district, Regional and National Levels, including swimming galas and a variety of fixtures through the year, An annual whole school Sports Day is held at the Allianz Park to celebrate the year’s sport at Goodwyn.