Key Stage One
In Key Stage One our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth and happy transition from the Early Years environment and the Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. The children will gradually be eased into a more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. We want them to enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Key Stage One has to offer and we want to help our children feel positive, resilient and confident in a caring environment to enable them to become independent thinkers and to achieve their full potential. We also encourage teamwork with the respect and consideration of the views of others.
There are two parallel classes in each of the two year groups and we believe in giving every child a personalised approach which is made possible through our small classes and a dedicated staff who recognise the needs of each individual child both academically and socially. The children’s progress is maximised by clear guidance on next steps in learning.
We provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum and we aim to make the children’s learning an exciting and purposeful experience.
There is an English and Maths lesson each day with Science, History Geography, Art, Design and Technology, Computing, Religious Education and Personal Social Health and Economic (PHSE) education taught throughout the week. French, Music and Physical Education are taught by specialist teachers.
At Goodwyn, there is a strong emphasis on music and the lessons are fun and lively with high expectations leading to a real love of music by our children. They have great opportunities to perform both music and drama in concerts and class assemblies which develops confidence and promotes talent. In Year two, they begin recorder lessons and these continue throughout Key Stage Two.
In Year One, P.E. lessons focus on the children developing their motor skills, spatial awareness and coordination resulting in a firm foundation of basic skills in Physical Education. In Year Two, outdoor games for example football, rounders, kwik cricket and athletics are introduced.
We are proud of the exceptional behaviour of our children. We have numerous systems of reward to promote positive behaviour and to recognise children’s efforts and achievements such as house points, class shields, silver star awards etc.
Our children in Key Stage One love school. They tell us…but they don’t need to. It is clear by their enthusiastic energy and beaming smiles as they come into their classrooms each day. We are their second family where they feel safe, cared for and valued.