Information Sheets and Forms

Dear Parents

Here you will find some essential reading which will help you prepare for the start of your child’s new school year. It also gives you an easy way to provide all that essential information we need from you to help ensure the safety and happiness of your child(ren) at School.

There are a number of mandatory forms we require from all parents; some where we only require the form if there have been any changes and others that are optional, for example if you wish to book your child(ren) into breakfast or after school club. 

Please do take the time to read everything and complete what is required.

To ensure we are able to process your information prior to the start of term, please complete and return any required forms two weeks prior to the start of term.

Thank you


Collection and drop off arrangements and permissions. (Mandatory – return at least 10 days before the start of term)

To ensure a smooth and safe drop off and collection for children and parents and which also respects our neighbours please read the documents below.

Once you have read and understood them please complete the ‘Authority to collect children from school’ online form via the link below.

 Authority to Collect Children from school


Online and Social Media Acceptable Use (Mandatory for Transition classes, otherwise only if changes)

We want to ensure that all our children stay safe online, whether that is in school or at home. We have therefore produced a series of guidelines which we would like you to read and where appropriate discuss with your child(ren). We also ask our children in Key Stages 1 & 2(years 3 to 6) to confirm their agreement to them, therefore those children moving up to Transition will need to do this by printing. Please read the two documents below and then complete the ‘Acceptable Online, Social Media Agreements’.

If there are any changes you would like to let us know of, please download, print and sign the agreement below and ensure it is returned to school on the first day of term. Transition (year 2) children will need to print and sign the pupil section of the form (agreement 1).


Use of digital images, photography and video. (Changes only)

We like to capture what our children have been up to around school and share it with parents. There are various ways we like to do this and naturally we require your permission to do so. Please read the document below which provides further detail.  

We already have your permission levels of where we can share your child(ren)’s work and images, so you only need to complete the form if anything has changed. If you are unsure, please complete the form so we know we have the correct details. Just click on the link below the document to get started.

Permission for use of digital images, photographs and video


School lunches / dietary requirments and health (Changes only – return at least 10 days before the start of term)

Please complete the following forms if you believe there have been any changes at least 10 days before the start of term to allow us time to process your changes before we return to school

School lunches and milk requirements: Please let us know of any changes to lunch or dietary requirements using the link below.


Medical History (changes only): 

Please let us know if there have been any changes to your child(ren)’s medical history that you have not previously advised us of by downloading the form below. Please return your completed form to the school office.


Breakfast and After School Club (Optional – return at least 10 days before the start of term)

If you wish to apply for places in our Breakfast or After School clubs please download and comlete the editable forms below and email or hand them  them to the school office at least 10 days prior to the start of term to allow us time to process your application.


School Uniform (Information only)

Our school uniform is part of our Goodwyn tradition and we think our children look smart and feel proud to wear it. We hope you do too. The documents below let you know what is required and where to find it. We do also have a selection of nearly new items which can be purchased by clicking here.

If you have any questions please do give us a call.