Religious Education
At Goodwyn, RE forms part of the basic curriculum. We adopt a multi-faith approach to the subject emphasising understanding, a sense of belonging and mutual respect. Collective worship usually takes place daily in the form of school and Key Stage assemblies. Currently, we are streaming assemblies through to each classroom so as not to mix bubbles.
We have an exciting and creative RE curriculum which begins in Early Years with the children learning through festivals, songs, performance and crafts. In Key Stage 1 pupils get a taste of all the major world religions through topics such as ‘Holy Books’ or ‘Religious Leaders’. Key Stage 2 takes learning to a more detailed level where children study one major and one minor religion per year and compare the two. In addition, they have philosophical debates and the chance to discuss some of life’s big questions. We help bring our curriculum alive by inviting guest speakers (including parents and prominent members of faith communities) into school and we visit places of worship.